Vine Tying Machine: Quietly Waiting for the Grape Blossoms

In grape management, there has always been a saying: "30% relies on pruning, 70% on tying vines", which directly shows how important tying vines is for grapes. Generally speaking, spring is the bleeding period for grapes, during which the branches absorb water and become soft. Using a vine tying machine to directionally tie the branches and vines can evenly and reasonably distribute them on the trellis, which facilitates ventilation and light penetration, promoting tree growth. This method is somewhat similar to other methods we often talk about, such as pulling branches and propping branches of fruit trees. The biggest function is to adjust the angle.

Functions of the Vine Tying Machine

The vine tying machine is a manual tool used for tying and fixing grape branches and vines, and it has the following functions:

Promote rapid growth of young grapes

By using the vine tying machine to tie the vines, young grapevines can grow rapidly, expand the trellis surface, and quickly take shape. If not timely supported and tied, new shoots will droop after reaching a certain length, and the secondary shoots will replace the primary shoots in growing upwards. Once the secondary shoots reach a certain length, they will droop again, and tertiary shoots will replace secondary shoots in growth. This cycle repeats, which not only limits the overall growth of branches, delaying the formation and fruiting years, but also consumes a lot of nutrients, leading to other problems.

Promote rapid growth of weak branches

Through proper use of the vine tying machine for tying and guiding, reducing the angle can promote the rapid growth of weak fruiting mother branches. Additionally, using the vine tying machine to increase the angle can also suppress the growth of overgrown fruiting mother branches.

Control the elevation of fruiting positions

Due to the apical dominance of grapes, the fruiting mother branch will only shoot a few strong new shoots at the top, while the lower bud eyes rarely sprout. Depending on the length of the fruiting mother branch, long or extra-long pruning is performed, making the fruiting mother branch 1-2 meters or more than 3-4 meters long. Then, through proper use of the vine tying machine for tying and guiding, the middle and lower bud eyes will sprout, lowering the fruiting position, which facilitates retraction and renewal the following year.

Promote or control bud sprouting

If the fruiting mother branch of the grape grows straight up, the budding rate will be extremely low. Hence, we can use the vine tying machine to tie it horizontally, which can improve its budding rate.

The Practical Significance of the Vine Tying Machine

The vine tying machine is four to five times more efficient than manual tying, making it extremely convenient and labor-saving, greatly saving labor time and reducing labor intensity. The vine tying machine frees growers from heavy binding and fixing tasks, saving substantial labor costs and providing real benefits to growers. Promoting the widespread use of vine binders among growers has significant practical significance for agricultural modernization and increasing farmers' incomes.

In summary, the vine tying machine helps secure branches to the trellis, keeping grape branches "in shape" and ensuring new branches are evenly distributed, facilitating light and air penetration and orderly growth, thus increasing the fruit set rate. Watching the vines grow in spring, let's patiently wait for the grape flowers to bloom, as all good things will eventually come.
